Saturday, August 8, 2015

Day 6 of the Book

the goal is to write a minimum of 500 words on a long form piece every day

The Book: 1001 Bars to Go to After You Die
Day 6: 600 words

Total: 4550

Friday, August 7, 2015

Day 5 of Blog

The Book  1001 Bars to Go to After You Die
Day 5 - 600 words
Total - 3950

I wrote a paragraph that I haven't gotten too, I sure hope I get to it or this is going to be one messy manuscript

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Day 5

1001 Bars to Go to After You Die
Day 5 - 575 words
Total 3350

I wrote this eveing in front of the TV when my wife was watching Field of Dreams. I couldn't write when James Earl Jones did that speech at the end of the movie. Yeah I was teary and the writing was slow tonight

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Day 4 of the Book

The goal: To write a minimum of 500 words a day on a novel

1001  Bars to Go to After Your Die
Day 4 - 850 words

Total 2750

This took some time, but I finally finished the first chapter. We will see where it goes from here.

New Essay Up

Here is something  I wrote a few months ago to go with the reading I run, The Hangover Hour. Every time  I try to read a brand new work, usually written right at the bar. This was written there, and submitted there as well. The feature was focusing on the work of Richard Brautigan and I wrote this

The book project

One of the things I will be using this blog for is to follow along on writing a minimum of 500 words a day on a novel and see where we are in a couple months. I have never tried a novel before, and the one I am doing seems less like a novel then a fantastic travelogue. We will see what occurs as it goes along.

I know that some disagree but if I make it to forty thousand words, I am calling it a novel and the hell with it,

1001 Bars to Go to After You Die
Day 1 750 words
Day 2 600 words
Day 3 550 words

Total 1900 words